Unknown Morocco

7 day-tour: Unknown Morocco

Starting from Oujda Airport

Between two famous atractions for tourists, the Mediterranean Sea and the Saahra Desert, there is an unknown land, out of tourist guide-books, an area ready to be explored by you. The eastern part of the High Atlas offers you nomadic families with their cattle, dried rivers used as roads by 4X4, traditions and secrets, like lost meteorite stones, an unforgetable landscape, sometimes with plants hard as rocks. 

1st day – Leave Oujda towards the south, heading to Ain Bni Mathar, parallel to the Algerian border. Then continue towards Tendrara till you will reach Talsint, the place for your overnight. With a 4X4 along the route, you can always go out off the road and go deep into the mountains.

2nd day – From Talsint you will continue to Errachidia, where you will visit the daily market. Close to Errachidia, you will stop at Source Bleue de Meski, where the river Ziz, flowing mainly subterranean, appears at the surface, being an attraction for locals in the Summer that come here to refresh. A stop, overlooking the oasis of Tafilalt Palm Grove, stretching along your way till Erfoud, is previewed. Arrive at Erg Chebbi with two overnights in RESTCAMP ERGCHEBBI.

3rd day – free day to relax, to take part in activities (see the article Magical Desert Dunes for adventures and sportsmen) or to visit the nearby small cities of Merzouga, a tourist center, Erfoud, home for the Dates Festival, and Rissani, with the mausoleum of Moulay Ali Cherif nearby. Between these two last cities, the road goes along the oasis of Tafilalt Palm Grove. Overnight in RESTCAMP ERGCHEBBI.

4th day – go back towards the north and after Errachidia you will be along the Ziz Gorges, where the river with the same name flows. Towards the Atlas mountains, from Rich, the road will lead you to Missour until you will reach Guercif for your overnight. 

5th day – the second gorge of this tour is worth a visit, the Zegzel Gorge, a dramatic scenery, where the water sculpted caves along the times. Now it is time to see the Mediterranean Sea at the Moulouya Estuary, a nature reserve. If you are a birdwatcher come here on Winter time. Finally get to Saïdia for you overnight. 

6th day – Relax in Saïdia, one of the most famous and longest Moroccan beaches. If you are leaving from Melilla by ferry you can enjoy here a second overnight. If you are flying, think about sleeping in Oujda so that you can visit it if you haven’t done it before.

7th day – Visit Oujda. In the medina, behind the ramparts, you will have the opportunity for your last shopping before going to the airport.